R&K Garage Limited
Unit 1 The Broadway
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG18 2RL

01623 623456


VAT No: 894 8204 84

RAC Approved Garage No: A865 www.rac.co.uk

Member AA Select Garage Programme No: 9181 https://www.theaa.com/

Registered in England & Wales with company number 05965405 which can be found on Companies House website and accessed via the following link – www.companieshouse.gov.uk

R & K Garage Ltd adheres to the Motor Industry Code of Practice and abides by the RAC Code of Conduct. If you have a problem or complaint please contact us by phone on 01623 623456 or by email at info@randkgarage.co.uk. We will do our very best to resolve your issue.